We are all now experiencing week four of this lockdown, and whilst we may have spent a lot of time outside in the garden – I mean who hasn’t spent a day weeding in the last few weeks! We may find ourselves dreaming of visiting all those exhibits that we never got to go to, or wishing we could take the kids to the zoo to keep them occupied.
Many of the world’s attractions both near and far to ourselves in Merseyside have opened their doors (figuratively speaking) to the public. https://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/virtual-tours
Culture Liverpool have put together a list of some of their favourite attractions that you can visit from the safety of your sofa – you can go local to the Walker Art Gallery or even to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam if you wish.
If you have always wanted to see the Mona Lisa, you can even get a virtual tour of the Louvre.
If museums and art galleries are not your cup of tea, then how about a trip to the local Zoo? Chester Zoo have so far hosted 3 virtual zoo days, whereby the zoo keepers have been making videos on their animals including introducing us to some new penguin chicks who will be named after hospitals in tribute to the NHS. https://www.facebook.com/chesterzoo1/
Many of the world’s zoos are having live streams at present, so you can flit in and out of different ones watching your favourite animals, one of definite interest is Panda Cam at Atlanta Zoo. https://zooatlanta.org/panda-cam/
Theme parks are also taking part, if you fancy a trip round DisneyWorld, Universal Studios or Seaworld, again it is all at your fingertips.
So whilst we are staying home, and getting used to remote working – how about we have a little trip somewhere on our lunch break?