Easy Fundraising for Compass

By 29th March 2021 Uncategorised

Lockdowns have made a big impact on how Compass can generate income and fundraise.  Compass have therefore joined up with a scheme called EasyFundraising.  It is a scheme whereby anyone can donate a small amount to Compass whilst they do their normal online shopping.  There are over 4700 different stores and companies involved with EasyFundraising and if people want to help them please follow the below link, and select Compass Counselling Services as your chosen charity.

When people shop at an online store, if it is one that uses EasyFundraising, you can go to the shop via the Easy Fundraising site and when you make your order, a small percentage of what you buy will be donated to Compass free of charge.

There is even an app that you can download onto your mobile/tablet to search for the shops involved, as well as a reminder service that you can download which alerts you to the fact that you are on one of the shops included within the scheme.

We feel this is an easy way for people to fundraise and donate to Compass whilst going about their normal online shopping habits. 

At present the link for Amazon does not work due to additional checks Amazon need to complete but all other shops and services on the site are up and running.
