The Covid-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for all individuals, businesses and particularly charities. Prior to the pandemic, Compass provided counselling on a face to face basis, however during the lockdown and beyond we have provided clients with the option of telephone counselling and telephone support.
In order to provide an even greater service to the people of Merseyside it is Compass’ intention to also offer counselling via a remote video service. This will allow for all of our client’s who wish to use this service to be provided with counselling from their own homes, whilst still achieving an element of face to face support. We had recently applied for a grant to help us set up this system from the National Lottery and we are delighted to reveal that the grant has been successful.
The National Lottery Community Fund will allow us to provide six months of video counselling to our clients, with the intention that after six months Compass will look to continue the service ourselves. We would like to expressly thank the National Lottery Community Fund, and also the Government for making this possible.
Once we have our new system in place, and we are therefore in a position to move to our next phase we will post further on here.